Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hello World!

It's quite interesting, this blogging lark. You get to see who looks at your mutterings; well, not exactly see, but see where they have come from URL wise prior to their view of this blog.

As it says in the profile, most of this blog is about football and cricket, the loves of my life (don't tell the girlfriend!!!). I don't know if searches for Charlton or cricket point people at Shouting from the Hop, or if Pedro45 is the trigger?

I am very aware that my nom-de-plume - Pedro45 - is something a little more than significant over Stateside. For the benefit of UK readers, it seems that one Pedro Martinez, a baseball player of some repute, wears the number 45 jersey, and therefore Pedro45 is a common Google search. There is also a Pedro45 website, nothing to do with me, and lots of ramblings about the great man and his team.

I quite like baseball, being an watcher of most competitive sports. I went to see the Baltimore Orioles last year play against Tampa Bay. It was (rather surprisingly) the coldest game ever apparently, with a temperature of only 48 degrees, not great for a summer sport. We of course can beat that in the UK, with cricket games delayed by snow showers every fifty years or so (I think the mid-seventies was the last time...).

So who looks at this site? Mostly other bloggers, but I've yet to find out why they look? Is it due to an advert of some site saying go here now, it's new, and cool? Why would twenty odd bloggers look at my words in one hour, as they did the other day, otherwise?

Anyway,, you are all welcome. Let me know if I say anything you agree or disagree with, or if you think baseball is better than cricket...

Oh, and why for me Pedro45? Guesses please to the comments box...

I found your blog by accident - Everytime I update my blog I hit the "next blog" button a few times to see what other people are doing with theirs and yours came up.

Found it a change from all these people who feel the need to make a profound statement every day on their blog.

Anyway keep up the good work - here's hoping Charlton can go the distance this year and claim a euro spot.
Thanks for the comment Simplyton. I don't really have profound things to say, just about what's going on around me and my little world. Also thanks for the Charlton wishes. Cheers!
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