Sunday, November 06, 2005

Vive L'Anarchie!

There have now been ten consecutive nights of rioting in Paris and other French metropolitan towns and cities, following the death of two youths who were killed hiding in an electrical sub-power station. The real reason these youngsters died has yet to come out; the local immigrant population think they were being chased by police, and how they were electricuted hiding has also yet to come to light (although it seems a dumb place to hide!).

The issue raises many questions, and not many answers, about what is becoming of society, not just in France, but in Europe generally, and also other areas of the World.

Huge amounts of immigrants, mainly from Africa, have been thrown together in so-called slum or ghetto areas just outside major cities. These areas have little in the way of employment, services, or hope, and have thus become enclaves where mob-rule reigns. Gangs roam and even the safety of the police, let alone the local populace, when entering the zone is doubtful.

European countries have struggled to come to terms with large numbers of immigrants, and now that second and third generations are living in the same slum areas, rebellion is high on the agenda. In some cases, the countries themselves cannot be held totally to blame; we have all heard the stories of how major cities streets are apparently lined with gold, yet the reality is hugely different. When someone new from Africa, eastern Europe, or the far east enters Britain, certain things, housing and benefits to the fore, are apparently deserved by right and given. It is sometimes forgotten that the standard of living enjoyed by Britons has been earnt over many years, and has not just landed in our laps unwarranted. This creates resentment among local indigenous populations.

Major cities are also very espensive places to live, and while the (usually illegal) street traders may earn a better trade on their streets, I wonder if a better living could be earnt where it is not so expensive to live. I guess the problem there is that any (illegal) immigrant would stand out if placed into a small town and be more liable to prosecution and deportation.

So what of France recently? The authorities are trying to deal with the matter by arresting everyone hoping that this will erradicate the problem. Surely, as in Britain, the perpetrators of the carnage would be back on the streets within days if not hours. Certainly in Britian, anyone arrested would argue a minor charge and be let off with a warning, fine, or minimum jail sentence, free to return to their confrontaion with the police once more.

Last night, the rioting spread to more French cities, and even close to the heart of Paris itself (previously, Parisien trouble was confined to the remote suburbs). Will this escalate further? Maybe. Maybe not. Saturday night is alright for fighting but Sunday is a day of worship for many (and there's school the next day...). It won't go away quickly though unless some kind of compromise is reached between local heirarchy (if there is any) and the police/politicians.

The whole world is in trouble at the moment - poverty, immigration, global warming, terrorism, war, bird flu, lack of respect for others, binge drinking, that huge asteroid heading for earth that will obliterate all life; all major, major issues amongst many other minor ones. The problem with these issues is that I do not have confidence that the leading politicians are the right people to be in charge when the time comes to deal with these matters one by one. And nor do many other humans throughout the world.

So what to do? Do we follow the anarchy route that the French seem to be taking at this time? As The Redskins sang - "What's the point of having a revolution unless you shoot the bastards afterwards?"

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